Elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” does support HDPi screens by default, but it is limited to double the scaling (1x, 2x, …).
gives the ability to scale down the screen afterwards. This allows scaling support as seen in Windows or
MacOS (100%, 125%, 150%, …).
To get started configure Elementary OS to scale the screen up 2x. This can be done by executing the following in a terminal.
Now you can use xrandr
to scale down the screen, in a multi screen environment this has to be done for each monitor.
It is also important to configure the position of the second screen correctly, otherwise there will be an overlap.
List all connected screens:
Now scale the screen as you would like (in this example 150%) Using “scale” will use a greater resolution for rendering and afterwards scale everything down to the native screen resolution:
The --pos
ensured that the screens don’t overlap. Use Use Screen-1_Width * Scale-Factor
for the first value. In this example 3840*1.5=5760
xrandr shows now the downscaled configuration: