This blog post will show the steps required to deploy a maven artifact on Maven central using Travis CI.
To deploy an artifact to maven artifact to Maven central we need a lot of preparations before we can actually deploy an artifact.
1. Create a Sonatype account
Sonatype provides free access to Maven central. With an account you can access their Nexus and deploy your artifacts in their repository which is synced to Maven central.
The guide about setting up an “OSSRH” account can be found here.
Basically the sign up process contains the following steps:
- Create a JIRA account
- Choose a Maven
- Create a JIRA issue to gain access to the
- Wait for approvement
2. Create a GPG key
Ensure that you’re using a GPG v1 executable (you can check that with gpg --version
This is required because the GPG binary on Travis CI does not support the encrypted keys of GPG v2.
# Generate a new key, save passphrase in a secure location
gpg --gen-key
# List the keys and save the new key id
gpg --list-keys
# Export the private key
gpg -a --export-secret-key <Key-Id> > private-key.gpg
# Publish the key to the keyservers
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <Key-Id>
Add the private key to your Git repository. No fear, it is encrypted with your passphrase, no one can decrypt it.
3. Configure your Maven build
To successfully deploy a Maven artifact you have to meet the following constraints:
Add required information to the pom.xml
A Maven artifact has to provide serveral informations to be allowed for deploy in the central repository. You can find those details here.
Add a release profile to the pom.xml
Add the following lines to your pom.xml
of the to be deployed artifact.
It is required to generate a source jar, a javadoc jar and sign all jar files.
The fourth plugin is used to automatically deploy to the Sonatype Nexus Repository.
Create a Maven settings.xml
We have to use a settings.xml
to provide Maven the required Sonatype user and
password and the passphrase for you gpg key.
<gpg.keyname>**YOU GPG KEY ID**</gpg.keyname>
Add it to your Git repository.
4. Setup the Travis build
Encrypt your Sonatype credentials and gpg key passphrase
You must use the Travis CLI to encrypt your credentials required to authenticate and sign your build.
The resulting encrypted strings you’ve to add in the next step.
Add a .travis.yml
file to your git repository
This file is used for travis to build and deploy your project.
language: java
jdk: oraclejdk8
- secure: ...
- secure: ...
- secure: ...
script: make build
provider: script
script: make travis-deploy
tags: true
Add a Makefile to build your Maven artifact
You have to change the paths to your gpg private-key and your Maven settings.xml
mvn install
gpg --import path/to/private-key.gpg
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${TRAVIS_TAG}
mvn clean deploy -P release --settings /path/to/settings.xml
5. Test the build process
When you push something or a pull request is created the project is automatically
built using make build
. When you create a tag for the repository it will
automatically deploy an artifact to the Maven central repository with the version
set to the tag name.